Citations |
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1. source: Zamanov V. B., Karastoyanov D. N., Sotirov S. M., Mechanique et control de robots., Litera print, Sofia, 1993 cit. in: Toshev Y. D., Robotique & Productique., vol. 3, Institut National des Sciences Applicuees (INSA), Rennes, France, 1996 2. source: Zamanov V. B., Karastoyanov D. N., Sotirov S. M., Robot mechanics and control., Litera print, Sofia, 1993 cit. in: Zlatov N. B., Telecontrolled Platform for Mobile Robot ‘RMA’ Working in Nuclear Power Stations., Europian Advanced Robotics Systems Development. Mobile Robotics (EUREL 98), September 14-16 1998, Leiria, Portugal, p 22.1-22.5 3. source: Karastoyanov D., Control of Mechatronic Systems, Academy Publ. House “Prof. Marin Drinov”, Sofia, 2006, ISBN-10: 954-322-169-3 cit. in: Sensibility Control of Redundant Robots: Numerical Analysis and Experimental Results Daniela Vassileva1, Shingo Tajima1, George Boiadjiev 2, Haruhisa Kawasaki1 and Tetsuya Mouri1, SICE Annual Conference, September 17-20 2007, Kagawa University, Japan 4. source: Zamanov V. B., Karastoyanov D. N., Sotirov S. M., Robot mechanics and control., Litera print, Sofia, 1993 cit. in: T. Boiadjiev, K. Zagurski, V. Vitkov, G. Boiadjiev., Experimental Verification of the Control of Automatic Drilling Module in Surgery., Problems of Engineering Cybernetics and Robotics., vol. 56, Sofia, 2006, pp 53-60 5. source: Karastoyanov D., Control of Mechatronic Systems., Academy publishing house “Prof. Marin Drinov”, Sofia, 2006, ISBN-10: 954-322-169-3 cit. in: T. Neshkov, A. Dobrinov ., Novel type grippers for small objects manipulation., Problems of Engineering Cybernetics and Robotics., vol. 57, Sofia, 2006, pp 44-52 6. source: Andreeva P. G., Karastoyanov D. N., Parallel Processing in Distributed Information System., International Symposium on Intelligent Robotic Systems ISIRS 95, November 22-24 1995, Bangalore, India, p. 137-142 cit. in: I. Rashkov, C. Mladenova., An Approach for Defining the Displacements of Elastic Link from Open-Loop Kinematic Chain (Manipulator)., Problems of Engineering Cybernetics and Robotics., vol. 56, Sofia, 2006, pp 27-40 7. souce: Zahariev R., Karastoyanov D., A Navigation System and Task Planning in a Mobile Robot for Inspection., Problems of Engineering Cybernetics and Robotics., vol. 54, Sofia, 2004, pp 22-29 cit. in: I. Rashkov, C. Mladenova., An Approach for Defining the Displacements of Elastic Link from Open-Loop Kinematic Chain (Manipulator)., Problems of Engineering Cybernetics and Robotics., vol. 56, Sofia, 2006, pp 27-40
8. source: A. Dobrinov, V. Dobrinov, D. Karastoyanov, T. Boyadjiev, V. Ivanova., Steerable-Tip Mechatronic Arthroscope Device With Novel Type Actuators., International Conference “Bionics and Prosthetics, Biomechanics, Mechatronics and Robotics” (ICBBM 2006), June 5-6 2006, Varna, Bulgaria, pp 62-65 cit. in: R. Zahariev, A. Dobrinov, N. Valchkova, V. Dobrinov., Mechatronic Haptic Interface for Arthroscopy., International Conference “Bionics and Prosthetics, Biomechanics, Mechatronics and Robotics” (ICBBM 2006), June 5-6 2006, Varna, Bulgaria, pp 95-98 9. source: A. Dobrinov, D. Karastoyanov, V. Dobrinov., Linear Actuators For The New Generation Knitting Machines., National Conference “Robotics and Mechatronics‘2003” October 8-10 2003, Dryanovo, Bulgaria, pp. 3.38 - 3.44 cit. in: R. Zahariev, A. Dobrinov, N. Valchkova, V. Dobrinov., Mechatronic Haptic Interface for Arthroscopy., International Conference “Bionics and Prosthetics, Biomechanics, Mechatronics and Robotics” (ICBBM 2006), June 5-6 2006, Varna, Bulgaria, pp 95-98 10. source: Dobrinov, A., D. Karastoyanov, V. Dobrinov ., “Linear Actuators for the New Generation Knitting Machines”, National Conference “Robotics and Mechatronics‘2003”, October 8-10 2003, Dryanovo, Bulgaria, pp. 3.38 - 3.44 cit. in: T. Neshkov, A. Dobrinov ., Novel type grippers for small objects manipulation., Problems of Engineering Cybernetics and Robotics., vol. 57, Sofia, 2006, pp 44-52
11. source: Dobrinov, A.,V. Dobrinov, D. Karastoyanov, I. Beniozev., “Novel Type Gripper with Linear Electromagnetic Actuator”, 5th International Conference on Bionics and Prosthetics, Biomechanics and Mechanics, Mechatronics and Robotics, Varna, June – 2006, pp. 66 69 cit. in: T. Neshkov, A. Dobrinov ., Novel type grippers for small objects manipulation., Problems of Engineering Cybernetics and Robotics., vol. 57, Sofia, 2006, pp 44-52 12. source: A. Dobrinov, D. Karastoyanov, V. Dobrinov., Linear Actuators For The New Generation Knitting Machines., National Conference “Robotics and Mechatronics‘2003”, October 8-10 2003, Dryanovo, Bulgaria, pp. 3.38 - 3.44 cit. in: V. Ivanova, V. Dobrinov., Modular Mechatronic System for Robot-Assisted Microsugery., 6th Int. Conference ICBBM2008, Varna, June 5-6, 2008, pp 62-65 13. source: A. Dobrinov, D. Karastoyanov, V. Dobrinov., Linear Actuators For The New Generation Knitting Machines., National Conference “Robotics and Mechatronics‘2003”, October 8-10 2003, Dryanovo, Bulgaria, pp. 3.38 - 3.44 cit. in: V. Ivanova, V. Dobrinov, K. Koleva, R. Mihailov., Modular Mechatronic Microsurgery System., John Atanasoff Selebration Days, Int. Conference AUTOMATICS and INFORMATICS 08, Sofia, October 1-4 2008,pp VI-9 – VI-11 |